House Fire Insurance & Flood

House fire Insurance

What is house fire insurance?

House fire insurance provides you with coverage for your building and contents and covers loss or damage by fire, lightning, explosions, flood, burst pipe or by any perils mentioned in the insurance policy.


Covers and Benefit Provided


Benefit TypeHouseowner (Buildings)Householder (Contents)
Fire, Lightning, and Explosion caused by gas used for domestic purposes
Aircraft and aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom
Impact damage by road vehicles or animals
Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus, or pipes
Theft by actual forcible and violent breaking into and out of the house
Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon, Windstorm
Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption
Loss of Rent – Limit 10% of Total Sum Insured
Liability to the third parties for accidents in your house – Limit of Liability up to RM50,000
Contents temporarily removed from the house – Limit 15% of total sum insured on contentsx
Damage to mirrors, other than hand mirrors – Limit RM500 per piece any one accidentx
Compensation on Death of the Insured; due to fire or robbery where there is violent and forcible entry to the house – Limit RM10,000 or one-half of the Sum Insured on contents whichever is lowerx
Domestic helper’s propertyx


Add on benefit type


Benefit Type

Houseowner (Buildings)

Householder (Contents)

Riot, Strike and Malicious Damage
Unoccupancy more than ninety (90) daysx
Bush Lalang
Theft without actual forcible and violent breaking into and/or out excluding theft by domestic servants or member of family/householdx


The calculation for the home building coverage amount is based on the cost to rebuild the house, not the market value of the house.  If you are not sure how much coverage is, you can click the link.

House fire insurance malaysia


Large-scale flooding brought on by persistently heavy rain is anticipated in the nation starting in mid-November, according to the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia).

The director-general, Muhammad Helmi Abdullah said

the northeast monsoon during the period would bring continuous heavy rain that could lead to major floods.”


Flood Insurance Malaysia
source photo: NSTP


For flood insurance Malaysia, mostly its call as fire insurance since its just same perils ass stated in coverage. If you have any enquiries or need more information, please contact us via WhatsApp on top of the page for fast response or click this link.


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